Empowering Career Switchers: Makers' Trailblazing Approach to Salesforce Training

At Makers we find, train and place exceptional, diverse career switchers into tech roles. We believe that talent is everywhere but opportunity is not, so we build inclusive routes into tech careers. We prepare candidates from under-represented backgrounds to thrive in a rapidly changing industry by blending excellent technical training with a focus on a growth mindset and emotional intelligence, and we connect them with employers willing to look beyond the obvious and find exceptional tech talent.

As Europes longest established coding bootcamp, we’re deeply embedded in the UK tech ecosystem and we’re proud to add Salesforce Training to our repertoire of technical upskilling programmes.

Makers Logo

Our recipe for success

  • CAREER SWITCHERS are an untapped pool of talent. We train career switchers, capturing their wealth of experience from other industries, infusing their knowledge with technical skills and connect them with forward thinking employers.
  • PROJECT BASED LEARNING underpins our learning approach at Makers. Our courses emulate real working scenarios and train practical skills used by developers everyday. Our learners are work aware, technically skilled and emotionally intelligent.
  • COMMUNITY is the lifeblood of Makers. We listen actively to our partners and learners to build programmes reflective of industry needs and a learning environment where learners can thrive and return to throughout their career. Once a Maker, always a Maker.
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We connect diverse talent with future-focused organisations

How it works: simple, straight-forward and all-inclusive

Candidate search
Candidate search

Our team cast the net wide to find the best undiscovered talent for our programmes

Inclusive selection
Inclusive selection

We don’t look at CV’s — just potential. Our selective but inclusive process ensures the top diverse candidates join our programmes.

Makers Trailhead Training
Makers Trailhead Training

The trailhead curriculum is enriched with our practical, holistic training approach to build work-ready Salesforce developers.

Deploy in your team
Deploy in your team

We connect you with our skilled candidates to deploy within your tech team.

Combining Trailhead training with the Makers mindset to build work-ready, Salesforce developers

Seamless support for employers and talent

  • Attraction and selection: Our selection team work with diverse community groups to source the best undiscovered talent and deliver a handpicked shortlist to your team.

  • Developers training developers: Our experienced coaching team have worked in the tech industry as software engineers, analysts and data scientists. They build, develop and deliver our programmes ensuring our Makers learn up to date skills, direct from the industry.
  • Holistic Approach: We teach more than just tech. We deliver an emotional intelligence curriculum to build skills in communication, feedback and growth-mindset – key competencies for long-term tech professionals.
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Meet our experts, supporting your team

Niall Smith, Account Director - Tech,

Makers’ partnership with Salesforce is a powerful combination to develop the next generation of top talent. Together, we will help more people from all backgrounds launch successful careers in tech, and power the Salesforce ecosystem with the skilled workforce it needs to thrive.

Joseph Charm, Partnership Manager - Tech,

Something magical happens when we partner with like minded organisations that want to see real change in the tech industry. Our drive to give people from underrepresented communities the necessary skills to thrive in tech, in partnership with the best organisations is a feeling that can’t be bottled.

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