Hi Apprentice, welcome to the Makers Code Challenge! Please scroll down for the instructions…

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: See the help button on the bottom right of the page? We’ve set up a bunch of different prompts if you find yourself stuck at any point. You’ll need to open a separate tab in your browser for the code challenge so you can return here for help.
Step 2: Right click on the ‘Start Challenge’ button and select ‘Open Link in New Tab’ to go to repl.it.
Step 3: You’ll need to enter in a username, email and password of your choosing to enrol in the ‘Apprentice Code Challenge’ classroom. Please fully complete the enrolment by adding your first and last name when prompted (if you skip this you won’t be able to see the classroom).
Step 4: After you complete your learner profile you’ll be taken to the ‘student’ section of repl.it where you can join the classroom to begin the challenge. If you can’t navigate to ‘student’, then please repeat again from Step 2 as you haven’t completed your learner profile.
Good luck!
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