How do you optimise your team for success?

Why allowing juniors to direct their own learning can foster a culture of motivated, enthusiastic and talented developers.
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Self-led learning: Risks and rewards

We believe that self-led learners make world-class tech teams. They bring fresh perspectives and save tech leads time as they research before needing support. But is this the best approach? Do juniors have the knowledge to take control or does this learning style risk bad habits being formed? 

We’ve put together an eBook which lays out the six steps you need to take to implement a successful self-led learning program in your tech team.

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“A self-led learner will go ask questions, and display a lot more autonomy to try and solve a problem. I think that’s what more experienced engineers have learned to do in the tech industry. Self-led learners will just exhibit a behaviour more common with more experienced engineers: they will figure out what they’re missing and go ask for it.”

– Alice Lieutier, Head of Coaching, Makers

“The best experienced devs I know are constantly looking for ways to learn new skills and grow — whether it be code, people, or business-related.”

– Head of Learning, Makers

Think outside the box

Tech teams push boundaries and challenge the norm to bring the best products to their customers – it should be the same for your people. 

By diversifying and employing candidates outside of the most traditional talent pools, you in turn diversify the talent and thinking within your team, allowing you to develop a team with wider capabilities. Self-led learning allows you to maintain this diverse way of thinking as your team grows and progresses.



Learn more with our eBook

If you’re interested in implementing self-led learning in your team, read our six step program.
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